@elisabethbeckwitt is probably one of the most inspiring artists I’ve ever interviewed. So we did another interview to talk about this project, as well as recovery, grief and her goals for 2020.
Other Side Of Sober is your new EP. How would you describe this project?
This project is about what life looks like on the other side; all the anger, confusion, pain, grief, relief, joy, transition, waves, maintenance, and processing that goes into recovery. Living through the ebbs and flows, riding the waves instead of fighting them; balancing recovery, grief, change, and my relationships. Casual Breakup, Think You Are, and Grieving are all songs about grieving parts of your life; grieving a platonic or casual relationship, an addiction, or just a difficult time. Fake It and Waves are songs about maintaining that balance, and figuring out what works best for you at any given moment. Learning to accept that it will change, and it’s okay to be scared, angry, sad, hopeless, excited, happy...it’s okay to feel.
What message do you want to convey through this EP?
I want to encourage you to own your power and self-worth while reminding you that it’s okay to allow yourself time to grieve. Whether you’re grieving for the loss of love or the loss of the negative emotions, habits, and thought patterns that have held you back for so long; grieving these things is all a part of the process. Recovery is hard. The Other Side Of Sober sometimes isn’t as beautiful as we dream it will be. If you work on yourself, and learn to accept and change how you approach new situations you will grow beyond belief.